Friday, October 7, 2016

Patreon and On and On

I know, it's been a long while, but I'm reviving the blog for an important reason: Adventures in Art still lives! A few months back, I came to the decision to close Adventures in Art down, because it simply wasn't making any money and wasn't really even getting much attention. When 50% of your annual sales are to your mom, you can't really call it a business (unless  your mom is LOADED, I suppose)

Then I learned about Patreon. is a crowdsourcing site dedicated toward artists seeking ongoing patronage from fans and arts enthusiasts who want to support their work, and is pretty much tailor made for the kind of fundraising I need for Adventures in Art. The big problem with sites like Kickstarter or Indiegogo is that they're intended to raise funds for one big project, so for me it would be a photo book or shooting specifically for a big gallery exhibition or something, neither of which I can promise on any reliable time scale. Patreon allows you to collect donations on an ongoing basis, and all you have to do is continue to provide content, which I'm more than happy to do if I can raise enough to afford to do so; it is the escape clause from my artistic Catch-22 of being unable to afford to get out and shoot, and therefore can't earn enough to take enough time from the day job to go shoot.

So if you've been a fan of my work in the past and just didn't want to shell out the big bucks to purchase any but still would like to help me continue creating more art, please visit my Patreon page, subscribe and commit to a monthly donation (doesn't have to be much, even $1 a month can make a difference over time). Thanks!