Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Reflections on 2013

As I look back on 2013, I am struck by how I've changed as a photographer over time. There was a point not so very long ago when I questioned whether or not I was worthy to call myself a professional, and I was hesitant to dive into uncharted waters or challenge myself with new projects. I told myself that maybe with more training or just more experience, I could think of myself as legit. I was scared to get started on anything new because I tied my notion of success to the number of prints I sold or the dollar value in my bank account at the end of the year, when in truth, an artist must gauge success internally, on the level of satisfaction one feels doing the work.

Of course I want to earn enough to make a living from my photography and quit the day job (who doesn't?), and I'm working on making that a reality, but if I'm really enjoying what I'm doing and I feel like I'm creating something beautiful and worthwhile, then maybe it doesn't matter how much or little I earn in recompense, or even if anybody likes what I do -- ars gratia artis, baby.

There have been some missteps and bad luck along the way, of course (nearly freezing to death while NOT photographing eagles along the Skagit comes to mind), but the things I've seen and learned have mostly been positive, on the whole: rounding a corner to see my first snowy owl in the wild, seeing wild Alaskan brown bears up UNCOMFORTABLY close and personal, meeting new models and creating art together as I branch into more portrait and digital work, and pursuing new business opportunities.

Thus encouraged (with many words of affirmation and several swift kicks in the behind from my ever-patient wife), I look forward to 2014 not with dread or trepidation, but with excitement over what new experiences I may have and in what ways I will learn and grow as an artist and as a human being. My head swims with all the project ideas I have for the future, and I have only to figure out the logistics to make them a reality. If things go the way I plan, I may be a very busy boy in the coming year.

Fear not, nature lovers - I fully intend to continue shooting wildlife whenever the opportunity presents itself. Since it looks like this winter will be a record-breaking irruption of snowy owls, you can be sure I'll head out to see them in mid- to late-January, and maybe I'll also go looking for bald eagles along the Skagit again. I intend to go further afield and hit Eastern Washington again, as well as venturing into Oregon, Idaho and British Columbia to get those landscape shots I love so much. And we are in the planning stages for a return trip to sub-Saharan Africa, to get shots with a better camera and more experience under my belt, in the place where the very idea of a photography career was born.

In the meantime, I still have a number of matted prints that I'm trying to clear out (the exact number is 3,104,225), selling for $3 for 5x7, $5 for an 8x10 and $20 for 16x20. Unless you live in the Seattle area, I cannot guarantee you will receive it by Christmas if you order today, but I will ship as soon as I get your order. Please have a look and take these off my hands (these are basically selling at cost, just so I can get rid of them, so you're not going to find prints cheaper than this. You can find them at my Photoshelter site. I also have lovely 2014 landscape and wildlife calendars for sale for $13 +S&H, also on Photoshelter. Get them now before they're gone!

And as always, I'm looking for ways to build the business and find new clients for my portrait studio. So please, if you know anyone looking for a photographer, send them my way! I'd love to talk to them and set up a session. I see big things ahead for 2014, and I'd like for all of you to be a part of it!